dragon boat festival is a traditional festival in china.
the four important festivals are the spring festival, the lantern festival, the drgon-boat festival and the mid-au-tumn festival.
people give their friends sachets during this day.
the main dragon boat racing, is the dragon boat festival custom.
the dragon boat festival is one of three major chinese holidays, along with the spring and moon festivals.
端午節 5 英文短句:端午節、端午節定期或端午節是中國曆法上的乙個傳統節日,舉行五月也被稱為第五個
dragon boat festival this day, this day people eat rice dumplings, as well as dragon boat races
翻譯:端午節,端午節或端午節,是中國曆法中5月5日舉行的中國傳統節日。 它也被稱為五五。
fifth lunar month is the dragon boat festival, also called duanyangjie, afternoon day festival, may festival, ai festival, terminal five, chongwu, midday, summer day. although the name is different, but all around the custom of the people's holiday is the same. the dragon boat festival is china'兩千年的風俗,這一天,齊香家家掛艾灣菖蒲、賽龍舟、吃粽子、喝真酒、游萬病、甜酒囊
5.重中午,中午和夏季節日。 雖然名字不同,但各地人民的習俗都是一樣的。 端午節是我國2000多年的古老習俗,這一天的每一天,家家戶戶都掛上艾蒿葉和菖蒲,滲端午,吃粽子,喝酒,遊歷各種疾病,戴香囊。
端午節"空引數"有一句話"初"因此,意義"端午節"就是這樣"正月初五"。根據日曆,五月正好是"下午"月,因此"端午節"它逐漸演變"端午節"。《燕京編年史》記載: >>>More
農曆五月初五,俗稱“端午節”(端午節),段是“開始”和“開始”的意思。 正月初五可以稱為末日第五日。 農曆以地支月為基,劍音正月,二月為毛,五月為正午,故稱五為正月,“五”與“正午”相連,“五”為陽數,故端午節又稱末節。 >>>More
1.千江萬山是愛,向你問好! 偶爾的忙碌並不意味著健忘。 端午節的到來,祝大家心情愉快,端午節的問候,粽子一起; 端午節快樂! >>>More