VHDL的英文全稱是:VHSIC(Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) 硬體描述語言翻譯成中文,就是超高速閉式兄弟絕對積體電路塵埃的硬體描述語言。
隨著計算機技術和大規模積體電路技術的發展,新型硬體描述語言VHDL被用於設計涉及計算機應用、通訊、自動化等領域的電子系統。 計算機的許多重要部件,包括CPU,都可以用硬體描述語言來設計和表達。
vhdl english writing all is vhsic (to high speed, the vehicle hardware description language) done translate ulsg j is integrated circuit hardware description language. along with the computer technology and large scale integrated circuit technology development, involving computer application, communication, automation and other areas of electronic system design work, are using new hardware description language vhdl to design. many important components in the computer, including the cpu can be used to design the hardware description language and expression.
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